notes on your botox dose

Same face, same muscles, same year – same Botox dose, right? No.

“It’s not uncommon for clients to expect the same dose and therefore investment across their consecutive Botox appointments,” starts Francine.

“And while I can somewhat understand this misconception, the truth is, until I asses the client and start injecting, there is no way of guaranteeing the dose and quote.”

Yes, most follow a 3-month refresh cycle, and while in the grand scheme of life this is minimal time, a lot can change with muscles.

“The muscles respond differently each and every time … particularly when a significant amount of time has lapsed between treatments, the muscle needs to reaccustom to being softened/immobilised again.”

Other contributing factors to an increased (or decreased) dosage, include lifestyle habits, general facial expression/activity and pregnancy.

“For most of my new mum’s, the longevity of toxins is significantly less. This is because hormones and general body composition has shifted … this in addition to the demands of a newborn and of course the increased metabolism associated with breastfeeding,” says Fran.

The good news? Everything returns after 2 – 3 treatments post-pregnancy.

“It’s about retraining those muscles to becoming atrophied/softened.”

Ready for a refresh? Schedule your appointment in advance, here.

MISS FRANC is currently closed due to NSW COVID restrictions, we look forward to seeing you soon.

Image via Pinterest.

  • POSTED IN: Treatments