boost lockdown health and fitness with mf client sally o’neil

There’s not a lot MISS FRANC client, Sally O’Neil isn’t an expert at when it comes to food. Clinical Nutritionist, tick. Dietician, tick. Food Photographer and Stylist, tick, tick … plus she’s gorgeous - obviously! With close to 100K followers on Instagram, Sally is a refreshing hit of knowledge, realistic tips and tricks when it comes to sustaining mind motivation, health and fitness in challenging times.

 Here, we chat easy ways to boost heart rate at home, food myths and workout beats.

 MF: Your go-to source to curb sugar cravings?

SON: I love 85% dark chocolate or an Avalanche Sugar-Free Hot Chocolate sachet.

MF: You are super fit! What are some high fat burning exercises we can easily incorporate at home?

SON: Getting your heart rate up at home can be tricky without equipment. I love a skipping rope for a really simple but effective (and fun!) workout. I do 30 seconds on, 15 seconds rest, for 12-15 rounds. It gets my heart rate up fast and leaves me feeling energised.

MF: What recipes are currently on high rotation at your house?

SON: I love açai bowls at the moment - I’m desperate for summer to arrive! I add in frozen zucchini to get in some greens, and top with salted popcorn for fibre and crunch. Tastes like such a treat but it’s packed with antioxidants.

Post-workout I keep it super simple with 350g egg whites and 1 wholemeal English muffin … plus a protein shake with a scoop of marine collagen for extra skin-loving benefits.

Lunch usually looks like crispy barramundi with salad, roasted veg of some kind and sauerkraut. YUM.

MF: Your guilty pleasure …

SON: Halo Top ice cream!

MF: One of the biggest food myths …

SON: Carbs make us fat. URGH. Think about this ... If carbs made us fat, why would body builders who are focused on physique take POWDERED carbs by the scoop?! Carbs are a great source of fibre and help us feel full, keep our digestive track healthy and give our brains the fuel they need.

MF: Current read …

SON: The Proof is in the Plants by Simon Hill. He gave me a copy when I was shooting his supporting recipe book. So good!

MF: Album on repeat?

SON: I’m obsessed with (intelligent) rap, so I’d have to say J Cole - Forest Hills Drive.

When I’m chill, I’m loving Jacob Banks and his album Village, or anything Ziggy Alberts.

MF: Favourite online fitness (class) source?

SON: I’ve recently bought a Peloton bike and have been doing workouts with Cody Rigsby. Gets me super happy first thing in the morning! If I’m doing weights, I love the 'Move With Us’ app.

MF: The MISS FRANC treatment you’re most looking forward to post-lockdown?

SON: B-Tox Baby! I can’t wait to look a little fresher in time for summer. BRING IT ON.

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  • POSTED IN: Interviews